Titonic Fisherman

Rating : 7.7

it is a quirky browser music sequencer game in which you can make cool music with a variety of different instruments utilise the keyboard controls to activate different instruments and create a unique sound you are free to string together different sounds from different instruments and create a unique cool song you can play the practice mode to familiarize yourself with the controls that activate each instrument then jump back into the game and create your perfect song Have fun. Release Date
April 2018

Titonic Fisherman is made by Froach Club. you can support the developer through itch io. Features

More than 15 music instruments
Cartoon characters with funny expressions
Cool artworks
Simple controls
Practice and record mode

Titonic Fisherman is a web browser game.


Press QWERTYUIOPASDFGH to play an instrument
Use X to switch mode
Use Z to reset pattern.