The Black Knight: Get Medieval

Rating : 9

this is a fun smash and attack game where you control the legendary black knight his citizens are not paying taxes and the king is unhappy about it the black knight is tasked with restoring order to his land and teaching the citizens a lesson on how to pay their taxes immediately walk through the city and smash anyone in sight with your big club - when you smash them they'll give their taxes all missed hits result in your black knight being stunned for a short period of time Make sure you collect the required amount of taxes before you progress to the next level. is it possible that you can help the king regain his lost taxes? Release Date
April 2005

The Black Knight: Get Medieval was made by Brain Jam Studios. Features

Straightforward smashing game to collect the required gold in each level
Missed smash makes you unable to attack for a brief period
You can charge attack to release "Get Medieval" to deal area damage
Buyable new weapons and items between levels
Watch out for the witch that can turn you into a pig

Web browser.

Use the left mouse button to attack, hold until the bar is full to release "Get Medieval. ".