Derby Crash 4

Rating : 9.2

Derby Crash 4 is the fourth episode of the Derby Crash series with more recent new cars, and an independent train running in the scenario. the cool terraform menu from the second episode can also be used in this game release date november 2020developerderby crash 4 is developed by roberto mulas aka ciorbyn besides the popular third-person multiplayer shooter scar was also developed by the developer the platformweb browser


"WASD" or Arrows = drive
"Space bar" = handbrake
"Enter"= unflip
"C" = change camera view
"R" = repair
"T" = time frame
"L" = unlock mouse when driving tank

Terraform Controls

WASD = move Camera
Left Mouse Button (hold) + mouse axis = rotate camera
Left Mouse Button (hold) = drag terraformer shape
Middle Mouse Button = increase/decrease deformer height
1 to 5 Key = modify terrain.